Year graduated from MIIS: 2015
Education: Ateneo de Manila University, 2019, AB Interdisciplinary Studies
Recent Achievement/Recognition: COVID-19 survivor, healer of doctors who are afflicted with COVID
What are you currently doing? What are you busy with professionally? Are there personal advocacies or interests you are engaged in?
I am a full-time Pranic Healer. I strongly advocate and abide by the noble mission of Pranic Healing, which is to alleviate the pain and suffering of humanity and the world. As a practitioner, I engage in healing my patients on the physical, mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual levels. Therefore, I advocate not only for reducing the sufferings of the world. I stand for the great vision of Pranic Healing, which is Heaven on Earth.
How are you affected or coping with the pandemic?
I cope with the pandemic by keeping productive in terms of work, family, prayers (especially saying rosary and going to mass almost daily), and reading, largely for education. I also take online courses from various schools abroad. Other activities I engage in are listening to music, surfing the net, touching base with relatives and friends, art, etc.
What can you say are some learnings, traits or values that you have learned in MIIS that have been useful to you in your school life to relate with people more effectively or succeed in your university?
Basically, pretty much all the teachings of Pranic Healing reinforce what I learned in MIIS. However, I’d like to cite only a couple of examples. All the teachings are too many to put in one article.
The essence of making a difference is something that has been useful to me as a Pranic Healer. Whenever I heal my patients (family and beyond), be it through the various protocols for various ailments or the flagship meditation used to channel God’s blessings to the world, I believe I am making a difference. As a channel of God’s healing to countless souls (in the Pranic Healing school, I learned that God is the Healer and the practitioners are His humble servants), I help uplift the wounded humanity and bring people to the light one soul at a time.
Another useful teaching from MI that I’ve carried into my profession as a Pranic Healer is the 6 Pillars of Character. Pranic Healing isn’t merely healing. It teaches 5 virtues of Character building; and they are taught because Character building purifies the soul. The 5 virtues are loving-kindness and non-injury, generosity and non-stealing, honesty and non-lying, constancy of aim and effort and non-laziness, moderation and non-excessiveness. The 6 Pillars are reflections of the five virtues and vice versa.
What are your fondest memories of your time at MIIS?
My fondest memories are the bonds my class formed be it via funny moments, study tour in Singapore, or Seniors Camp in Baguio, or other school/classroom activities
What is a message you want to give to our MI Community in these challenging times?
I highly encourage everyone to attend to their hobbies, balance between work and chill, spend adequate time with family, pray everyday, and not to mention, take care of themselves. These are what will keep us sane in this trying time. Covid19, on the bright side, is giving you time to do all of that and appreciate what really matters.
Is there any cause or business you want to share with the community?
I hope to share the teachings of Pranic Healing and its advocacies to several members of the MIIS community.
What’s next?
I plan to pursue some career in psychology and be a writer for a magazine. Yet, I will continue my journeys in Pranic Healing as a way of life.
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