MIIS School-based Child Protection Policies, Anti-Bullying Policies and Protocols
Child Protection Policy
The 1987 Constitution: Article XV, Section 3 (2) cites the following:
The State shall defend the right of children to assistance, including proper care and nutrition, and special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation and other conditions prejudicial to their development.
MIIS Child Protection Policy Principles
The Multiple Intelligence International School adheres to the belief that a safe a non threatening environment will foster a child’s growth and development. To ensure that the diverse learning community remains positive and that its members advocate the adopted values of the MIIS, the school will stand by the following:
1. The school shall be conducive to learning and students will have the right to educationin a safe and secured environment;
2. The school will ensure that all students shall be protected from all forms of abuse andbullying in support of their socio-emotional development;
3. The school administration, faculty and non teaching personnel shall advocate apositive discipline approach in light of student formation;
4. The school administration, faculty and non teaching personnel shall take thenecessary steps to ensure that the campus will be bully-free and that properinterventions and programs will be provided to students who are victims of bullying,discrimination, violence and exploitation.
5. The school will mandate that all students shall respect the rights of others and refrainfrom committing acts of bullying, discrimination and/or peer violence.
6. The school will advocate for the strong participation and involvement of parents in allschool activities or programs that raise awareness on children’s rights, positive disciplineand prevention of bullying.
7. The school will implement proper orientation of the caregivers on Child ProtectionPolicy.
MIIS Philosophy, Policy, Protocol and Program on Anti Bullying
The creation of the MIIS Policy, Program and Protocol were initiated to meet the requirements stipulated in the DepEd Child Protection Policy Order No. 40. s 2012 and in the Anti-Bullying Act of 2012 (HB. No. 5496). The MIIS commits itself in proactively campaigning for student welfare and development by strengthening programs and education of its members about child protection, bullying and adverse consequences.
This details the stand of the MIIS with regards to bullying, the procedures to address acts of bullying in and out of the school, consequences of the perpetrators of bullying and the programs to educate and equip the MI community regarding bullying.
MIIS Philosophy for Positive Communication and Discipline
Positive Communication and Discipline
The philosophy MIIS on Positive Communication and Discipline consistently emphasizes basic respect for the individual student. It is our goal to enable all teachers to use positive guidance and communication techniques to facilitate the development of self-control and self-esteem in students. Our commitment is reflected in curriculum and program practices and manifested in our Guidelines for Positive Discipline. Through positive guidance of behavior and modeling, faculty help students to gain self-control, build a positive self-image and learn to behave in responsible ways.
MIIS Positive Communication Guidelines:
All school community members are encouraged to communicate using an “I-message” and employ reflective listening. Mutual respect has to be maintained at all times. In line with the Student Formation Program, all MIIS students are raised to be TRRFCC kids of character espoused by the Character Counts Movement.
The students are expected to embody The 6 Pillars of Character in relation to self and others. Values incorporated in the 6 Pillars are the following: Trustworthiness,Responsibility, Respect, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship are part of student life.
Policy in Handling Child Abuse, Exploitation, Violence, Discrimination, Bullyingand Other Acts of Abuse
MIIS believes that a safe and non-threatening environment will foster a child’s growth and development and discovery of his or her intelligences to make a difference in society. MIIS cultivates a culture of respect towards one another.
To ensure that the diverse learning community remains positive and that its members adhere to the adopted values of the MIIS, the school will stand by the following:
1. Bullying is a violation of an individual’s rights, freedom to express themselves in atruthful manner without fear of judgment and is a hindrance to achieving one’s fullpotential as a leader who makes a difference.
2. Any form of bullying committed by student/s inside or outside of the MIIS campus and isdirected to another individual or group of individual will not be tolerated and will besubject to investigation. Perpetrators will be given appropriate disciplinary action and theresults of which will be reflected on the student’s conduct grade.
3. Acts of bullying must be investigated immediately upon receipt of the report. Theidentities of all parties involved and the pertinent details of their case must remainconfidential.
4. The members of the MIIS, including and not limited to administrators, teachers, staff,students, parents, guardians and custodians are expected to contribute positively to theMI culture of respect and are to exercise responsibility and integrity in their attitude,words and action towards any individual or group of individuals. As a diverse learningcommunity that believes in the different strengths and capabilities of individuals, allmembers of the community are expected to affirm and celebrate individuality and thedifferent ways individuals show leadership in the 21st century.
5. Students who have perpetrated acts of bullying and whose cases have been deliberatedwill be given continuous counseling session to delve into the origin of the behavior andaddress any problem that the student may be going through. He or she will draft anapology letter to the victim/s and may be advised to see a psychologist upon Guidancereferral. Offenders will be given a conduct grade of D and a minimum of one week inschool suspension.